NODYS Board 2024-2027
The election process utilized the ELIGO voting platform through the designated NODYS account, allowing for secret ballots cast from December 6 to December 7, 2023. The election report revealed a total of 154 votes from 371 eligible members. In accordance with the Board's decision on November 14, 2023, the number of elected members should not be less than 5 and should not exceed 15, as per the By-Laws of NODYS. The list of elected members, confirmed by the expiring Board on December 15, 2023, is shown below, along with the detailed breakdown of the votes: Walter Lacarbonara (122 votes) Bala Balachandran (53 votes) Stefano Lenci (53 votes) Giuseppe Rega (45 votes) Olivier Thomas (26 votes) Muhammad Hajj (25 votes) Hiroshi Yabuno (22 votes) Li-Qun Chen (21 votes) Andrea Cammarano (20 votes) Americo Cunha (16 votes) C. Nat Nataraj (15 votes).